Mat and Piggys' Halloween Adventure! |
It's morning already? Today is the start of our new adventure? Where are we going? Boston? Do I get my bottle before we go? |  |
I'm going, too...right? Not me...Piggy! I'm staying right here so I can be Joe's bunny while you're gone! |  |
We're here, already? I slept through the whole ride! |  |
I got to meet Terrys' Grandkids...Jordan and Kiara! Jordan is feeding me my bottle, while Dottie and Terry set up a place for us! |  |
This is our new room! |  |
This is one of the props that will be in Dotties sceen! He's scarey, hunh? He smells like the rubber nipple on my bottle! |  |
Brian thought the wings looked good on me! |  |
Terry set up a bunch of boxes and stuff for me to hop up on! I'm getting really, really good at jumping up on things! Sometimes I still miss and fall off...but the more I do it...the better I get! |  |
She even brought out toys for me to play with! |  |
And this thing makes music....if you press the right button! I'm trying! Terry can do I know it can be done! I just have to watch her really good to see how she does that! That's how I learn! I'll get it! There! I did it! |  |
A brand new day! We already had breakfast, and I got my bottle! Terry blocked off her deck so Piggy and I could run around and check things out! And who are you? |  |
Dottie and Terry are running around and doing all kinds of things! We just get to sit here and watch them! What a show! They're building a "Haunted House" at Terrys! They're raising food, for the food pantry in Lowell, Mass. Dottie did that for 15 years when she lived in Billerica! Families would donate a whole bag of food to be passed out for Thanksgiving dinners! We're talking, breakfast stuff...canned ham, with the fixings...and even desert! Terry "Picked up the Torch", so Dottie gave her all the "props" that go with it! Now Dottie gets to be a "monster"! And Mat and I get to be "props"! |  |
I'll tell you! These girls learn very very fast! All I have to do is say I'm hungry...and everything stops...and I get a warm bottle! How good is that! I have to drink it slow, though! Once it's gone, and my tummy's full...those two will go right back to work! |  |
I got lots of lovings from Dawn and her Dad! Dawn brought her dad over to meet us! Wasn't that nice of them? I wonder if all pigs get hugged this much! This is great! I am learning that good things happen when you get held! You either get to go outside, or you get lovings! I like lovings! |  |
Dawn got to feed me my bottle, while Dottie got to talk to her Dad! |  |
After all that's time for a nap! |  |
Terrys working on the tool shed! |  |
This guy here is part of "our" scene! We have "The Haunted Campsite"! |  |
This is the graveyard the kids have to walk past before they get to us! |  |
I take it, city people don't get the chance to hug a pig, very often! I had all kinds of people coming over to givie me lovings! |  |
And I got lots of lovings, too! |  |
This is Terrys' son, Chris! He offered to "kid" sit while Dottie and Terry went to check out another haunted house her friend Jeanne was putting on, as a church fundraiser! |  |
Jeanne was a "monster" for Dottie for 15 years! The first time she was the "Hag". When the night was over...she looked at Dottie, and said..."I never realized it was so much scare little children"! Her son and daughter played parts in it, too! At one point...Dottie had a cast of 152! That included two Good Fairies, that would go through with the little kids. The monsters don't scare the Good Fairy! Jeanne asked Dottie and Terry if they could come over to be creative and safety consultants! |  |
Haunted House? They got to decorate the whole church! It was built in the 1800's! |  |
This guy was waiting in the window! |  |
They got to climb up three ladders! The rope hanging goes to the bell! |  |
This is the bell, way up high, in the bell tower on top of the church! What a beautiful view of all the lights around! |  |
Terry got to play scarey music on their huge pipe organ! They have an organist to play "Phantom of the Opera", during their haunted house! |  |
Look at these pipes! That's where the music comes from! Even the scarey music sounds beautiful! |  |
The way it should be! |  |
After the "tour", Dottie invited them back to Terrys to grab a bite to eat, and check out what they did, so far! Of course...I got to eat, first! |  |
Jeanne's telling me that she remembers holding Baaart when he was this little! |  |
When Dottie feeds me...she touches me and tells me ... I'm a good Piggy Piggy Piggy! |  |
When she puts her hand in my dish, I back away. She does this to make sure I don't get like Solly, when it comes to food! That's ok....I share! |  |
Time for bed! We're gonna have a busy day tomorrow! |  |
Terry's teaching me "up pretty"! I'm a natural! |  |
Dottie has a whole box of raisins! Every time she calls Piggy Piggy Piggy... I come running...and I get a treat! I take them...very gently...from her hand! |  |
Terrys' Mom came by to meet us, too! She's rubbing my tummy! I really like my tummy rubbed! |  |
Am I a lucky pig...or what! Terry and her Mom just love us! And we love them back! |  |
Here she is....telling me I am just so cute! |  |
Terry...what is it? |  |
I'm not an "it", I'm Shilo....I'm a poodle! What are you? |  |
I'm not a what....I'm a goat! My name is Mat! Wanna play? |  |
When Dawns' sons heard Dottie was down...they wanted to come down to Dawn came back with them! Here they are being "monsters" in our Halloween scene! |  |
I'm getting more lovings! Dottie tells them that it's good luck to rub my tummy! So everyone is rubbing my tummy! brought me good luck...I'm getting my tummy rubbed! Ha Ha snort! What's the kid...never heard a pig snort before? Ha Ha snort snort snort! |  |
I got Jimmy offered to feed me! What a sweet "kid" he is! |  |
Steven is giving me a hug, and rubbing my tummy! He wants good luck, too! Am I a lucky pig, or what! It's hard to believe when I first came to Dotties, I was afraid to be held! I a pig! I'm not afraid anymore! Sure...I still squeal! But being hugged is so cool! Because I'm so big...most people have to sit me on their lap. And then...they're able to rub my belly! |  |
Word is spreading that Mat and I are here! People are coming from everywhere...just to meet us! We're famous, already! |  |
Joe came all the way over from New York to Boston, just to help out! He has to go back home in the morning! What a guy! Always there for a good cause! |  |
This is the frame they are building for the 3 - D maze, between the two houses! The kids have to walk through that, before they get to see us! There will be all kinds of things going on in there! They had to work by headlights because it was so dark! |  |
What ever Mary Ann put in her tastes really good! |  |
This is Billy! He's Terrys landlord! He lives next door to her! He takes Halloween off from work...just to help out and get ready for "the big night"! This whole "maze" has to be covered in black plastic, for the artist that's coming later to do the paintings on the walls! |  |
Jerry's painting fluorescent paint so it glows under a black light. When you layer on different colors...when you wear the 3 - D makes it look like the things are popping out at you! Jerry painted scenery for Dotties Haunted Houses for 14 of the 15 years she ran them! He also played a part in it too! |  |
We just got a bag of fresh raked leaves dumped in our pen! How cool is that! This will keep us entertained for awhile, while they finish up! There is still so much to do! |  |
This is our "Haunted Campsite" Mat and I will be in the cage in the middle! |  |
Donna and Angie came by to help paint toomb stones! |  |
Here we are, ready to go! Start the show! |  |
A man came through with his family, and loved us so much....he climbed into our cage with us! At first I was scared of him...but once he started to rub my belly....well...we got along just fine! He stayed with us for two hours! He even fed Mat his bottle when he got hungry! The kids loved us! |  |
Dottie had our cage upside down so the kids could reach in and pet us! They had to use wipes on their hands before and after, so no one got sick! We were such a hit...that the kids came back just to see us, again! |  |
They even brought their parents back, because they couldn't believe there was a pig and a goat in the "city"! |  |
Terry got to bring her grand daughter, Kiara, back to see us! Kiara was dressed up like Little Red Riding Hood! Terry made her costume! Isn't she just adorable? |  |
Hey...Piggy's hogging all the attention! What about me? I want lovings, too! |  |
The little girl in the carrage was scared of I tried to tell her not to be afraid...but it came out snort snort snort. Poor kid didn't know whether to laugh or cry! You would think, she never met a pig before! |  |
This is Jerry! All 6 feet 5 inches of scarey Frankenstien! Everyone thought he was a statue....'till he moved! |  |
The man who was sharing our cage had to go home. His wife said he would be sleeping in the car tonight! He said it was the best Halloween he ever had! Now we get all the attention! |  |
After the last of the kids came through, and then all the adults that came by to see us, well...we had a very long exciting day! It's time to go in these guys are bringing us in! |  |
Yep! We had quite the day! Now we have to go to bed! Dottie and Terry have to take everything down tonight so that they can use the driveway in the morning! |  |
It was so nice to have Brenda come over just to feed me my bottle! Dottie's packing us up to go on even another adventure! Where are we going, now? |  |
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