October 27 - 31 Page 31 |
Good morning! Having a little breakfast, them I'm off to work catching mice! |  |
Oh Boy! Another nice day, so we get to go outside! I want to go say good morning to the big boys! |  |
Good morning, Boys! What a beautiful day! |  |
They love me! How could they not love this cute little piggy! |  |
After all that running around...it's time for a nap! |  |
While we're outside, playing...We get room service! |  |
How sweet is that! |  |
Mike, here...is trying to "lure" me over! I'm too smart for that! I know once I get close...he's gonna try to "get" me! When I'm free in the pen...I don't want to be caught! That causes a problem for Dottie...cuz she has to "catch" me when it's time to go in. |  |
We're learning that when she calls Piggy Piggy Piggy...I'll come over to her and eat a raisin from her hand! I love raisins...and they're good for you, too! She will do this all day. So I learned to come when she calls me. But picking me up? That's a different story! I squeal like a pig! Pigs don't like to be picked up! She carries me to the house. What happens when I get to big for her to carry? Has she thought of that, yet? Hmmmm? |  |
Diane and Mike came by to say hello! After she gave me my bottle....I fell asleep in her arms! Nice and snuggly! |  |
Aw...do you have to go? I was really comfortable! |  |
Hey you guys....what about us? Do you have any goodies for us? |  |
Piggy...you're hogging the food, again! |  |
Brenda and Andy came up from Chelmsford, Mass. just to meet us! She has a warm lap! |  |
And I got to snuggle with Andy! |  |
Bunny...hold still so I can take my nap! Sorry Mat...but I need to use the litter box! |  |
Ahhhhhhh! Much better! I've been holding that all morning! |  |
Mmmmmmmm.....English Muffins! |  |
You have a carrot in your pocket...I can smell it! |  |
Come on...Give it up! |  |
Hey...I'd like a piece of carrot, too! Please! |  |
Dottie asked me if I was a bad boy today...I'm shaking my head...no! |  |
Now she asked me if I was a Good Boy! I'm nodding my head up and down for ...Yes...I'm good...now give me my treat! |  |
After all is done for the day, Dottie comes in to check on us and spend some quiet, quality time with us. Most times she doesn't bring her camera because of the flash! |  |
Mmmmm...grain for a nite snack! |  |
This is what we get for breakfast! Galahad gets alpaca grain, and Donk E and I get horse grain! Carrots and mineral salt tops it off! |  |
Bout time you got here with our breakfast! Ya...we're hungry! Did I get an animal cookie in mine? |  |
Can we go outside when it warms up? |  |
There's all kinds of things to eat out here! |  |
Hey you guys! Come over to the fence! |  |
Mat and I are going to go on an adventure! |  |
Mat...when I told Donk E we were going on an adventure...he didn't seem to be very happy about it. I wonder why? It sounds like a fun thing! |  |
Maybe when they go....they won't come back! |  |
I heard that, Galahad! That wasn't very nice! I like it here! |  |
Oppps! When Dottie calls "Piggy Piggy Piggy", I come running because I know she has a snack for me! |  |
I know I did good...when she says " what a good little Piggy!" |  |
I get to raise these guys and keep them safe! I raised alot of goats and pigs with Ben, when we lived in Billerica! |  |
Hey....you! Wrex Puppy... |  |
Down here..... |  |
Mat and I get to go on an adventure with Dottie! Why did that make Donk E sad? Awww...Piggy... Donk E's sad because he can't go with you. He got to go on an adventure at the Stiles 45 th party, and he knows how much fun it is! I got to go on lots of adventures! You and Mat will have a ball! Don't worry about Donk E...he'll get special lovings from Joe when they're gone! |  |
Hey Donk E...why so sad? sigh....Dotties taking the new ones on an adventure...and we have to stay home! That's not fair! I want to go, too! But Donk E...you already went on an adventure....now it's their turn! Oh, but I know they're gonna have lots of fun....and I like fun! Well, Donk E...maybe you'll get to go on the next one! OK? |  |
Once they all learn their parts for "The Show"...they'll have all kinds of adventures to go on! |  |
I get to have my bottle of warm milk once Piggy and I come in for the night! MMMMM....this stuff is good! |  |
Time to get cleaned up and ready for dinner! |  |
Diane came over to see me model my halloween costumes! This is a warm sweater...just in case I get cold! |  |
I'm a rodeo horse! |  |
This is my "Made in America" shirt! |  |
After all that work and jumping around...I'm hungry! Diane's feeding me my good night bottle...it sure feels good to be snuggled and fed at the same time! |  |
I can't sleep...I'm too excited! |  |
In my younger days...I use to go on all types of adventures! Every day was a new adventure! I'm an old dog now...and I'm happy just to hang out here...and hold the rug down! |  |
click here to go back | Join Mat and Piggy on their Halloween adventure...click here! |
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