To Grandmothers House We Go! |
This is Dottie and her Mom! We got to visit and introduce ourselves! Mat and I get to call her Grandma! She's use to Dottie bringing home all kinds of critters! Dottie got THAT from her Dad! It's genetic! |  |
Our cousin, Nick, came over to meet us, too! |  |
Nick's feeding me raisins! He can't believe how gentle I am? Believe me....I would not bite the hand that fed! Not me! |  |
What cha gut in the bag, smells like food! Never mind what's in the bag, Piggy....I want the bag! Can I have the bag? Hunh, Grandma? |  |
Is this a trick or treat bag, like the kids had last night? There's all kinds of treats in there! Vegitable scraps? No such thing as " a pig! Bring it on! Grandma...I want the bag...can I have the bag? |  |
I got to meet my Grandpa, too! Grampa....can I have that bag, please? |  |
Nick was so happy to meet us! He called his buddy, Jim, to come over...You've got to see this! I like Jim! I'm the first pig he ever got to hold! Hey...Nick! I want to be held, too! Pick me up...pick me up! |  |
And I thought Dottie took alot of pictures! We're talking cell phone and! These are high teck guys! We got our picture taken with more people this whole weekend! And we love it! They come from everywhere...just to meet us and welcome us into the family! How good is that! |  |
Grandma let us stay on the front porch, because it's nice and warm...and we can run around! Dottie's getting it "kid proofed" for us! |  |
Grandpa's giving me treats and taking my picture! He said I'm the cutest little pig he ever saw! |  |
And Grandma's feeding me my bottle! is good! |  |
Even Uncle Wayne came over to meet us! He was Baaarts bestest buddy! He can't wait to come visit us on our farm! I'm wearing my cowboy costume! It was a big hit with everyone! |  |
Dottie's filling up the room with fresh raked leaves! They even set up the chairs so Mat can jump from one to the other! Mat hops like he swallowed a spring! Poing...poing...poing! Sometimes he uses me as a spring board! |  |
Watch this, Piggy! I'm gonna jump from this chair to that one...way over there! How do you do that, Mat? It's just in me...I guess! I like being up high! Not me...This little Piggy is afraid of heights! |  |
I like to root around in the leaves and look for acorns! They are just yummy! |  |
Terry came over to say hi to Dotties parents...and of course...she had to give ME lovings! I like a good back scratch! |  |
Terry...Me, too! I want lovings, too! |  |
Dottie went to the Dollar Store and got me a new collar and leash! We're back at Terrys house again, so Dottie can help her put the Halloween stuff away! |  |
I'm a big boy, now! I can take myself for a walk! |  |
I think I like being a "city" goat! I got so much lovings! And picture taking...I really worked up an appetite! |  |
While Dotties busy packing everything up for our trip, home...Terry's giving me my bottle, before we go! |  |
We're home now! What a trip THAT was! |  |
Oh no...they're back! |  |
Where have they been? |  |
You brought them back? Are they gonna stay? |  |
I'm still your best Donk E...right? |  |
So Piggy...where'd ya go? What'd ya do? We got to be "props" for a haunted house! They got boxes of food for the food pantry to pass out for Thanksgiving Dinners! We got to be in a cage with a man! Everyone was coming over just to give us lovings! The man was telling people we were having bacon for breakfast! Donk E...what's bacon? |  |
I'll be a prop next year...if we can go, too! too! I'll dress up like a camel...without a hump! I'll be a humpless camel! |  |
Can I be a prop, next year? |  |
Pretty please? With carrots on it? |  |
When I hear Dottie call Piggy Piggy Piggy....I am right there! Mmmmmm....apricots! These are delicious! |  |
What cha gut in there? Apricots? Yeck! |  |
I'll take my bottle over an apricot...any day! |  |
There is nothing better than a bottle of warm milk! |  |
Not me! I like my water! |  |
I'll tell you! What an adventure we had! But it sure is nice to be home, again! |  |
Okay... Piggy! My tummy's full...wanna play?
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