February 19 - Part 2 |
I'm happy to lay right here, and suck up the sunshine! |  |
I think I'll stay here with Galahad! It's nice and warm! It does feel good, Mat! | .JPG) |
Naaaaaaa.... I don't want to go for a walk! Neither do I! | .JPG) |
That's a lot of snow, Galahad! Yep...I'm happy right here! | .JPG) |
Come on, Dottie! Open the gate! I gutta get out of here! | .JPG) |
You know how I get after a big snow storm! We don't want that....do we? | .JPG) |
Oh! Great! Now we all have to go for a walk! Ya... get some exercise! I don't need exercise...I need hay and sunshine! | .JPG) |
You guys should stop your whining and just be happy you can walk around out here! The snow in our corral is way too deep! | .JPG) |
Hey... you guys! Wait for me! | .JPG) |
Where's Solly going? | .JPG) |
Hey, Solly! You OK? | .JPG) |
I was just chilling out and thinking how nice and peaceful it was, Mat! That is... t'ill you showed up! Not a problem, Solly! I'll just go check out the bird feeder! | .JPG) |
That was rude of you, Solly! Mat was just making sure you were OK! I told him the truth, Donk E! It was nice and peaceful ' till you showed up! I better get to the bird feeder before Mat eats all the seeds! | .JPG) |
Nice and peaceful... 'till we showed up! Can you believe him, Galahad! That's Solly for you, Donk E! | .JPG) |
Hmmmmm.... I could use a little nice and peaceful, Galahad! Especially after the snow storm! While you get your nice and peaceful moment, Donk E ...I'm gonna go check out the bird feeder! | .JPG) |
Humph! | .JPG) |
Oh...ya! This is nice! | .JPG) |
And it is peaceful! Warm sunshine... no wind! You can even hear the birds singing! Ya! They're singing "Get away from the bird feeder so we can eat"! He Haw! | .JPG) |
Hey! Joe, buddy! Taking a break from pushing all the snow? | .JPG) |
Do you have time for Donk E lovings? Of course you have time for Donk E lovings! | .JPG) |
When you push my hair back like that...you make me look like a pony! | .JPG) |
Hey! Anybody wanna go for a walk? | .JPG) |
I don't know about this, Galahad! You know how Solly gets after a snow storm! He'll want to run! He did promise Dottie he'd be good, Mat! | .JPG) |
Just stick with me, Mat! I'll make sure he doesn't run you over! How ya gonna do that, Donk E? | .JPG) |
Come on, you guys! What are you waiting for? You keep going, Solly! We'll walk behind you! | .JPG) |
If I go first...I can't make you run! That's the idea, Solly! Ya...he can't nip us either! | .JPG) |
It's much nicer having Solly lead... instead of pushing behind us! | .JPG) |
Dottie! Why are you going the other way? | .JPG) |
What do you mean "you have work to do"? You're not gonna leave Solly with us...alone...are you? | .JPG) |
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