February 19 |
We got more snow last night! Now it's up to the top rail of the front corral fence! | .JPG) |
Brrrrrrr.....and it's cold, too! |  |
We just hung out in the barn, while it snowed! | .JPG) |
About time you got here! We've been waiting all morning! | .JPG) |
I am so ready for breakfast! | .JPG) |
Can I help you get our bowls ready? | .JPG) |
At least the sun came out! Finally! It sure feels good! Nice and warm! | .JPG) |
Hmmmmm! Should I ....or shouldn't I? I could, ya know! | .JPG) |
I like getting hayed up here! It's nice and warm! The sun feels great after being gone for days! | .JPG) |
It's so bright out here! I need some sun glasses! | .JPG) |
You're blocking my sunlight, Donk E! | .JPG) |
How come it keeps snowing? Are we ever gonna see green stuff again? | .JPG) |
Oh, Ya! Nose scratch! Oh... that feels so good! | .JPG) |
Ohhhhhhh...ear rub! Even better! | .JPG) |
Do I hear lovings going on? Donk E? You getting lovings? | .JPG) |
Yes! Solly! And they're my lovings...so butt out! | .JPG) |
He He! Talking about butts, Donk E... | .JPG) |
Why don't you move yours... out of my way! | .JPG) |
OK! My turn, now! | .JPG) |
Cool! Ear rub! make sure you get the other ear, too! | .JPG) |
Gee...Donk E. I can't believe how Solly just smoozed in there and moved you away! You're gonna let him get away with it? I know, Galahad. But what am I suppose to do? Be like him? "Out of my way Solly"? Ya right! | .JPG) |
Well...why not, Donk E? Show him what it's like! Ya...right! You know what he'll do? | .JPG) |
Yes I do, Donk E! He'll see what it's like to be pushed aside! Ya... you do have a point, there, Galahad! | .JPG) |
Hey, Solly! Walk away! I wasn't done, yet! | .JPG) |
He He! Do I hear a chicken squawking? | .JPG) |
I mean it, Solly! You walk on and let me finish my lovings! Then you can come in for a turn! You tell him, Donk E! | .JPG) |
Not a problem, Donk E! I was done, anyway! Good! Now it's our turn! | .JPG) |
Hey, Donk E...why don't you ask Dottie if we can go for a walk, today! I was gonna, but then you shooed me away! |  |
Can we go for a walk, Dottie? |  |
A nice warm up walk...would do us good! Warm us right up! | .JPG) |
I promise to be nice! Trust me! | .JPG) |
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