Critter Encounter

November 16     Part 2

Dum - de- dum!  Happy Pig!  I'm a happy pig!
Oh!  Hi Dottie!  What are you doing up here?
Well...I just don't feed me till I'll just stay out here and eat acorns... till it's time for me to have my dinner!
Sniff sniff sniff!  Munch munch crunch!  Snort squeal!  Oh!  These are just so yummy!
Hey!  It works for me!  He He Snort!
Well...I might be getting a little portly...but that's good for the winter!  It's insulation!  Doctor Emilie might be a little ticked when she weighs me, sure!  But it won't be till spring!
Once these acorns get covered with snow...that's it!  No more crunchy, delicious, little, round, tid bits!
So get ... while the gettings good!   Seize the moment!   He He Snort!  The nose...knows!  I'll tell you!  The whole forest has the sweet scent of acorns!
And it makes the boys happy when I can sniff them out a good spot!  I love my wierd little nose!  Zeekie Kitty was so right when he said my nose was perfect for a pig!  I'll have to give him a Piggy kiss when I get home! 

But while I'm out here...I am gonna ... chow down!  Yummy yummy crunch crunch!

Snort Snort Squeal!  He He!  Found another one!  Crunch crunch!

Look at that, will ya?  Underneath that carpet of leaves...lies a treasure trove of delectable goodies!  
Acorns are a gift from God! 
And I want Him to know ...that I really appreciate the acorns!
I know you've been busy all day!  If your feet are tired...have a seat next to the tree!
There!  Doesn't that feel better!
I'll just hang here with you!
Why do we have to head in?  I like eating out!
Just 5 more acorns...then we'll go home!  Okay?
Ok!  Let's head home!
Hey!  I'll race ya home!  Ready?
I sang Weeee...weeee...weeee...weeee.... all the way home!  Just like the poem you sing to me!
Do I get a treat for that?
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