November 16 |
It's about time we got to go for a walk! You've been busy all day! |  |
How come Piggy's going first? I'm the leader! Do I really have to stay on this leash?
I'm gonna show you where all the acorns are hiding, Solly! I can smell them a mile away! | .jpg) |
Please let Solly off the leash so we can run! Pretty Please? With carrots and apple chunks on it? | .jpg) |
If Solly came back when Dottie called to him to turn around....he wouldn't have to be on the leash! | .jpg) |
I know...I know...I was bad... | .jpg) |
I've been real good! Can I take a forest run? Please? I'll come right back! I promise not to cross the power lines! | .jpg) |
I love to run! I never had the chance when I lived with Jane! We were all stuck in the corral! I never knew I could run...'till I came here to live! This is the best feeling! | .jpg) |
Ahhh! (Deep breath!) The sweet smell of pine! | .jpg) |
My head is so darn itchy! | .jpg) |
I betchya my horns are growing back in! Maybe she'll let me keep them, this time! | .jpg) |
Hey, Mat! Where's Piggy? | .jpg) |
There she is! Hey Piggy! Where ya going? | .jpg) |
I'm gonna sniff out some acorn spots! I'll be right back! | .jpg) |
Even the pig gets to run free! That's ok, though...I was bad. I deserve the leash! | .jpg) |
All you had to do, Solly...was turn around and come back when she called! But had to go to the power lines! Where the hunters are! | .jpg) |
Ya, Solly! And you wanted me to wear the fake antlers! | .jpg) |
I'm heading over to the pine patch! Anyone want to join me? | .jpg) |
I'll join ya, Galahad! Hey Mat! Wanna come? | .jpg) |
Hey you guys! Wait for me! I wanna go, too! | .jpg) |
Ah...Piggy? Would you mind staying here with Solly so he doesn't feel all alone? Him being on a leash and all! Not at all Donk E! You're so considerate! | .jpg) |
I never knew pigs could be so sweet! Then again...I never knew a pig... till I met Piggy! | .jpg) |
Hi Solly! Mind if I hang out with you? Not at all, Piggy! I'd appreciate the company! | .jpg) |
Hey Piggy! Know where there's any hot spots for acorns? Yes I do, Solly! | .jpg) |
I just found it! Follow me! | .jpg) |
Munch...munch...crunch! Good spot, Piggy! | .jpg) |
Hey, Piggy! | .jpg) |
What's up, Mat? | .jpg) |
Do you have an acorn spot for me, Piggy? Yes I do, Mat! | .jpg) |
Straight ahead, Mat! It's a very good spot! | .jpg) |
Munch, munch, crunch! This is a great spot, Piggy! See? I told ya! I know where they all are! | .jpg) |
I hear Dottie calling! | .jpg) |
Must be close to dinner time! | .jpg) |
Time to head in, guys! | .jpg) |
I bet we get carots for desert! I saw her with a whole bag of them! | .jpg) |
There goes the dinner bell! | .jpg) |
Watch it, Solly! I'm growing my horns back! See? | .jpg) |
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