March 26 Piggy Unleashed! |
Come on, Piggy! I'll take you for a walk! Let go of my leash, Mat! |  |
Hey Piggy! Jump up here with me! Pigs don't jump up? | .jpg) |
Don't feel sad that you can't jump...Piggy! You can dig trenches! Goats can't do that! | .jpg) |
Which way do you want to go, Piggy? | .jpg) |
Let's go this way, Mat! Sure, Piggy! | .jpg) |
Piggy...why don't you get off your leash so that we can run like the big boys do? | .jpg) |
I can run when I'm on the leash, Mat! | .jpg) |
See! Dottie keeps up with me just fine! | .jpg) |
Hey...Dottie? | .jpg) |
Would you let Piggy off the leash? | .jpg) |
Piggy! She said it's up to you! | .jpg) |
You just have to promise to come back when she calls you...okay? | .jpg) |
Wow! I'm off the leash! | .jpg) |
Come on, Piggy! Heads up! She's calling us! | .jpg) |
When I ran up to Dottie...she said "fix" and adjusted my harness, scratched my back, and told me I was a "good girl"! | .jpg) |
Then she just walked away! | .jpg) |
When I heard her call "Piggy Piggy Piggy"...I came running! | .jpg) |
I like running without a leash! | .jpg) |
Hey Piggy! Let's run this way! I'm right behind you, Mat! | .jpg) |
Now I'm way over here! Dottie wants to see how far I'd go! | .jpg) |
I just kept going...and going...and going! | .jpg) |
Then...I heard her call me again! I promised to come when she called me! | .jpg) |
I'm a running! | .jpg) |
I'm coming...Dottie! | .jpg) |
Come on...Piggy! let's run this way now! I'm right behind you, Mat! Running through the forest is a blast! | .jpg) |
Huff...huff...huff... Okay Mat...I am all out of energy! I need some food, now! Hey Piggy! Come here...and check this out! | .jpg) |
Piggy! You can see the house and barn and everything from up here!
| .jpg) |
I'm hungry! Can we go home, now? | .jpg) |
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