March 23 |
Hi Dottie! Hey Dottie? |  |
We miss Bunny! Can she come out to play with us? | .JPG) |
You two call for a Bunny with an Attitude? | .JPG) |
Bunny!!!!!!!!! Hi Piggy... You still wanna be my friend? Even after I snubbed you? | .JPG) | have to admit it, Bunny was kinda strange. I mean...Not wanting to talk to me...? Cuz I'm... a ..........."pig"? Ha... Snort... Snort... Squeal! Come on ... Bunny! Get real! I know...Piggy! It felt so... wrong! I am so sorry that I hurt your feelings!!! Good thing is ... I got it all straightened out! It was a learning thing! So! It's all good now...Right? | .JPG) |
Ya know what...Piggy? The more I thought about it...and the longer I had to live with it in my heart...the worse I kept feeling! Now that I fixed it...I feel like "Me" again! The Bunny with an Attitude! A good one! (Hopefully!) It's okay... Bunny! It's nice having you back! | .JPG) |
I missed you Bunny! I missed you too, Piggy! | .JPG) |
So Piggy... Mat...did you get to check out the underground den? It's stuffed with fresh hay! That's all fresh hay in there, Bunny? | .JPG) |
Ya! And check this out! She has fresh hay in the top house, too! And a bowl full of pellets! Pellets?!!!!!!!! | .JPG) |
Bunny's acting like this is her place, already! | .JPG) |
Here's the pellets, Mat! You gonna share, Piggy? Or are you gonna hog them all? | .JPG) |
It's nice to have them back! | .JPG) |
Dottie...I won't have to stay with the girls...all the time...will I? | .JPG) |
I mean........I love Piggy and Bunny and all... | .JPG) |
But I still wanna play with the big boys, too! Okay? | .JPG) |
Wow...I guess I am growing up on you! Gee...Dottie...don't feel so's a good thing! | .JPG) |
Hey... Piggy! You're not gonna "keep" Mat.......are you? | .JPG) |
He lives with us, now...Piggy! Got that? | .JPG) |
Don't get your tails in a tatter, Boys! I like being a house pig! I get to watch tv... and I heard they have air-conditioning! But it's great being out here when it's nice out! And I miss all of you... when it's not! get air conditioning.....too? | .JPG) |
Hey Bunny...are you gonna turn back into a house bunny? | .JPG) |
Naw...I like it out here! As a matter of fact, Solly...I think I'm gonna make this my home! | .JPG) |
Yep! I like it here...just...fine! | .JPG) |
Hey Piggy? Wanna play hide and seek? | .JPG) |
Piggy! What are you doing in the kennel? Hi Fluffy! I'm playing hide and seek with Piggy! Oh ya...Bunny? Piggy's right behind you! | .JPG) |
Piggy!!! You get back in that corner... and count to ten! And no cheating! | .JPG) |
Shhhhh... Is it safe to come out? | .JPG) |
Ha! Piggy doesn't even see me! | .JPG) |
No! But I heard ya!
ooops! | .JPG) |
Ha Ha...Bunny! Gotchya! You're it! | .JPG) |
You got me...fair and square, Piggy! (When am I gonna learn to keep my mouth shut!) | .JPG) |
Okay, go in the corner now...and count to ten... while I hide! | .JPG) |
Ahhhh...Piggy? I don't know how to count...I'm a bunny! I don't know how to count...either...Piggy! And ...I'm a goat! | .JPG) |
Bunny...just stand here and say... one two three one two three one two three...That's all I know how to count up to, so far! | .JPG) |
You keep counting, Piggy! I'll go hide again! You get back here,'s my turn to hide! | .JPG) |
Can I please go play with the boys, now? | .JPG) |
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