Happy Valentines Day! from all of us at Critter Encounter! |
Will you be my Valentine? |  |
Hey...Mat buddy...come here for a minute, will ya? I want to show you something! |  |
What's up...Solly? |  |
I grew horns last night! You did? |  |
See? Wow! Solly! That was fast! |  |
He's easy! |  |
Hey...Mat! I'm growing horns, too! |  |
No Sa... You're joshing me...you silly Donk E! |  |
He's just too smart! Ya gutta love him! Donk Es growing horns? Oh my! Everybody's growing horns! I have to tell the other chicks! |  |
I'll be YOUR Valentine! |  |
Who's laughing now...Wrex? Ha Ha Snort! This is so humiliating! |  |
You're not gonna put those wings on me...right... |  |
We're getting ready to visit Sylvia! Shhhhh...it's a surprise! We're gonna put a little love in her life! |  |
Dottie's getting our props together so we can put on a show! I can take the balloon for ya...Mike! |  |
Ta - Da! I'm "Cupig" Ha Ha Snort snort! |  |
Diane's giving me a treat so Mat can do his tricks with Dottie! |  |
I'm all done with my tricks Auntie Diane...everybody's clapping! Do you have a treat for me? |  |
I need more tricks to do...so I get more treats! |  |
I'm all done with my tricks Diane! Everybody's clapping because I did all my tricks! I'm all excited! Not just about doing my tricks and getting the treats...I mean that was nice...but Diane has the grand finale of all treats...the apricot! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm |  |
We're all done with our show...but we don't want to leave! Dottie had to drag us through the kitchen to the door on our blanket! |  |
That was fun! I'm gonna like this job! She'll remember this "Piggy Gram" for ever! |  |
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