Piggys Second Walk! Page 67 |
Why does Piggy have to wear a leash when she goes for a walk? The boys don't like to wear a leash! |  |
Let's get this leash off you! | .JPG) |
Mat! Leave the leash alone! But Piggy!... |  |
You can't run and play with this thing on, Piggy! |  |
I can run when I'm on a leash, Mat! |  |
Dottie's pretty fast for short bursts! Ha Ha Snort! She keeps right up with me! |  |
Dottie doesn't want me to follow Mat...so she just called my name... |  |
When I start walking toward her...she says "Good Girrrrrl"! (I like good girls almost as much as I do food!) |  |
Then she tells me to "walk ahead"...so I do! Happy pig... happy pig! We're all the way to the end of the front corral! |  |
Wow! It smells nice down here...rotting vegitation! Hmmmmm... |  |
It's coming from over here! |  |
I heard "Hyep!"...Can't go that way! |  |
That's okay! I'll go this way! Happy Happy Happy Pig! |  |
Come on over here, Piggy! Let's go to the field! |  |
Let go of my leash, Mat! Come on...let's go! | .JPG) |
Across the snow! I suck my belly up for this stretch! |  |
Head across the driveway... (I'm glad I lost an inch of belly so far!) |  |
Piggy? What's over there? Not us, Mat! We're not allowed near the bridge! Come on! |  |
Why aren't we allowed near the bridge, Piggy? Because Dottie said "NO"! |  |
I can't believe there's green stuff growing under the snow! |  |
Oh! Here's a good cluster! |  |
I'll munch on this one blade at a time! |  |
Oh Boy! Frozen dirt clumps! It's like looking for the gum ball hidden in ice cream! Gives "cool" a new meaning! Ha Ha Snort! |  |
Piggy! Look at me! I'm walking on a log! |  |
Oooooo....what's that? |  |
Can I reach it with out falling off? |  |
What are those big white fluffy things? |  |
Hmmmmm.... They're moving! |  |
There's all kinds of good stuff in here! |  |
Kinda makes you glad you're not a pig, hunh! Snort Snort! |  |
Piggy! Look out below! Incoming! |  |
He is just so cute! Ya gutta love him! |  |
Hey Piggy! Up here! Way up!... I heard that! I'm cute, too...Right? I'm the cutest Donk E? |  |
Yes...Donk...E... You're the cutest... Donk... E! (He really is, too!) |  |
I'm the cutest, though...hunh Piggy? |  |
I know I am! Hey Piggy... |  |
There's a truck coming from the bridge! Hmmmm....... |  |
Mike and Diane came by to say hi to us! This is Dianes very first time walking me on a leash! Come Diane...walk on... |  |
Mikes gonna drive up to see the big boys! Let's go this way! No? Oh! Okay! We'll go visit the boys, too! Good idea! |  |
Move to the snow, Diane...it's safer than walking on the ice! She'll learn! She's very smart! I already taught her how to heel...stop...and walk on! She learned all that just walking up the hill! |  |
Let's cut across here and go see the boys! Heel...Very Good! ...she does learns fast! |  |
Diane! I would just like to tell you that you did Very Good for your first Piggy walk! It was a pleasure! Thank you! |  |
You know I'm first...right Mike? Say Sol...ly! Hurry up...Sol...ly! |  |
Now it's Gal...la...had! Thank you! |  |
Now it's Donk...E...s turn! |  |
I'm always last...I should get two! Oh no! Then I want another one! Then you be last... Sol...ly! |  |
Hi Diane! Hey...could you fly me a carrot over the fence so I have a chance to eat it! |  |
I miss your visits more than I do the carrots... I know it's been cold... |  |
I can hear your car go by when you don't have time to stop up to visit! |  |
You promise??? I'll just pray for warm days then! |  |
You...Mike....May have the honor of walking me home! |  |
Hey you guys! Wait for me! |  |
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