January Woods Walk Page 55 |
Donk E? I'm bored! I want to do something that won't get me into trouble! We already tipped over the poo cart! |  |
Hey Dottie...can we go on a woods walk? Ya! A woods walk! Great idea, DonkE! Can we? Hunh? Please Please? |  |
Ye - Haw! Ye- Haw! Now this is what I'm talking about! |  |
grumble...grumble... Ya...Donk E gets to run free! But me? I have to pull Dottie up the hill... |  |
Look out! Coming through! |  |
Hey...Mat... Good stuff over here! |  |
Thanks Solly! You always find the good spots! |  |
Solly! You're really sharing the good spot? Well, ya, Donk E...the little guy made me grow a heart! I like to share...now! |  |
Solly sharing food! Can you believe that! Hey Mat... |  |
I'm right here, Donk E! |  |
Let's go this way! Let's go this way! Well...I want to go that way! |  |
Oomph...ahhhh... This feel great! Sun shine...fresh snow...peaceful... quiet...what more could a horse want? A nice roll in the snow...perhaps?!! |  |
Solly...are you okay? What are you do...ing? |  |
Rolling in the snow, Mat! But Solly...why would you do that? Because it feels good...and it cleans my fur...and itches my back...all at the same time! Oh! ...........It must be a horse thing! |  |
Hey Mat! Check this out! |  |
I'm sitting! ...it's a Donk E thing! |  |
Whoa! (slip, thump, slide) Hey...Look at me...Solly! I'm doing them both at once! Sitting and laying down! Well...kinda sorta... |  |
You okay, Mat? Yep! Don't worry 'bout me, Solly...I meant to do that! Ya...right, kid! |  |
Solly...you didn't hurt him...did you? |  |
Oh nooooooo....Donk E! Solly wouldn't hurt me! He likes me! He even shares his food with me! |  |
Ya know? Solly has been "different" since Mat joined us...that's a good thing! Mmmmmmmmm...dirt and grass roots...yum yum yum! |  |
Why is it so hard for everyone to believe? I grew a heart! I don't want to be the boss...I don't want to be a bully! I like having friends...to hang with... to walk with...to play with...even to share food with! Did I just say that? It is a miracle! I truely feel that in my heart! Thank you, God! |  |
Nice! Pine Tree! Just my size! |  |
Hey Mat...where are you, buddy? |  |
I'm over here, Donk E! |  |
Just make sure you stay close...okay? Now go eat! |  |
Well...that's not right! He calls me...tells me to stay close...then sends me away! |  |
Is this close enough for you, Donk E? |  |
What about now, Donk E! Am I close enough, now? Hunh? |  |
I'll just stay right here...so you know where I am...okay? |  |
He didn't think it was funny... |  |
Solly? Why are you on a leash...and we're not? She thinks as long as one of us is on a leash...we'll all stick together. Is that true? Yes...we're a herd! Well...what happens when none of us has a leash on? We run! And run! And run! That's a good thing...isn't it? |  |
This is the sweet stuff! |  |
Donk E? Can I ask you something? Isn't running good for us? |  |
Whoa! Help! Donk E! Something just swallowed my legs! |  |
You're safe, Mat! You just fell through the snow! |  |
Yikes! I'm out of here! |  |
You okay, Mat? I'm okay...now! Come on...Donk E! I'm a big boy! I wasn't really scared! (much) |  |
Yum! This stuff is sticky sweet! |  |
Hey Dottie! Your shoelace is untied! He He He! |  |
Please let me off the leash? I promise to be good! |  |
I'll get the leash off you, Solly! |  |
Donk E? Will you ask Dottie to let Solly off his leash? You go ask her yourself, Mat! |  |
Come on, Dottie...let Solly off the leash! |  |
Let Solly run...and you can put me on the leash...okay? |  |
You'd do that for me? |  |
Hey Solly...that's my leaf! |  |
Let him have it...there's plenty more out here! |  |
Come on...Solly...Play with me! I'm...gonna....get you! |  |
Not fair that I have to stay on the leash...and Donk E gets to run through the woods... |  |
I promise to be good if you let me off! Really...I promise! |  |
Step aside! I'm coming through! Hey Donk E..be careful there! Show off... |  |
Ye - Haw! Ye - Haw! |  |
Don't feel bad, Solly...I'll stay and play with you! |  |
You let me off the leash? You really trust me? |  |
Hey Donk E...I'm free! Wait up for me! |  |
Ye - Ha! |  |
Come on, Solly! Let's go back and get Galahad! |  |
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