Mat and Donk Es' First Woods Walk |
Come on, Mat...we're going on a woods walk! |  |
I really miss the woods walks! We have to stay in the pen for hunting season! It's almost over, though! We're just going for a short walk, so I can show the little guy around! |  |
I'm coming Donk E...wait for me! |  |
I'm waiting! The little guy has little legs! And the snow's almost as deep as he is tall! |  |
Donk E...what happened to all the green stuff...and the oak leaves that were all over the ground? This is winter, now, Mat...we get snow...lots of snow! |  |
Here's some oak leaves for ya, buddy! |  |
Here's some green stuff for you! It's just have to look a little harder, that's all! |  |
Oh! There's some green stuff...over there! Boy...this snow is pretty deep! |  |
I like the green stuff...But eating it makes my nose cold! |  |
That's okay,'s nice and fresh! Can't get it any fresher than this! |  |
Come on over here, Mat! |  |
Here I come! What did you find, Donk E? More green stuff? |  |
Where'd he go? Mat? Sniff...he went this way! |  |
Can you pick me up, Dottie...My feet are cold...and I want my bottle! |  |
If you're getting cold, can warm up by running! Come on...get going! I'm...gonna...get you! |  |
I'm running...I'm running! Faster, Mat! Okay...Okay! |  |
Are you warm yet? I'm getting there! It feels good to run like this! |  |
Did you hear that? I didn't hear anything...I'm too busy itching my head! My horns are healing and they're itchy! |  |
Come on, Mat! Let's go check it out! Not me! I'm going this way! |  |
Ha Ha...Donk E! Come and get me if you can! |  |
Come on, Donk faster! Yeah...I feel like I'm flying! |  |
Donk E...all that running made me hungry! Can we eat now? |  |
Sure, kid! Follow me...there's some good stuff over here! |  |
Hay Donk E...this looks good! There's more over here, Mat! |  |
Naaaa...I'm happy here! |  |
Hey you guys...can we go back now? |  |
Munch munch munch munch...I really worked up an appetite out there in the woods! |  |
That was a nice walk! And to end it with an ear rub? Even better! |  |
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