March 19 |
What do you mean we can't make easter bunnies? Isn't that what spring is all about! Get real! |  |
That doesn't make any sense! We can't have bunnies because all the shelters will be full of unwanted baby bunnies by June? But... they won't be our bunnies! That's the idea? | .JPG) |
That just doesn't seem fair! We've been working hard making our baby dens! That's what girl bunnies do in the spring! | .JPG) |
I'm making my very own room! | .JPG) |
It's not as big as Bunnies or Blue Bunny's... but it's all mine! | .JPG) |
I stuff my room with mouthfuls of hay! | .JPG) |
I make a lot of trips! Wanna see my room? | .JPG) |
It's down here! | .JPG) |
Way..... down! | .JPG) |
This is the tunnel to our bedrooms! But if you look to the left... | .JPG) | can see the new tunnel that Bunnie's been working on! She has tunnels all over the place under here! | .JPG) |
You can see Bunnie's tail way in the back to the left! | .JPG) |
This is as far as you can come, because Dotties' arm doesn't stretch any more! | .JPG) |
So what do you think? Nice and cozy or what! | .JPG) |
I think it's the perfect den to raise a batch of bunnies! | .JPG) |
Or two batches! Or three batches! Please, please? | .JPG) |
Donk E! You're not suppose to eat the hay! We came up here to help Dottie! Remember? Oh! But it's good hay, Mat! | .JPG) |
Donk E! Help me spread the tarp out so she can throw all the old bunny hay on it! Ok, Mat! I'll ge this end! | .JPG) |
Tip the cart! I can't help it! I have to... | .JPG) |
He He! That was easy! | .JPG) |
Hey! Now I can't get to the hay! | .JPG) |
Go around, Donk E! There ya go! This hay is really good! I told ya, Mat! | .JPG) |
We were only trying to help! You needed the poo cart empty, anyway! Didn't cha? | .JPG) |
You didn't have to shoo us away! We were only trying to help! You've been working hard since we had some warm days...and all the poo thawed! | .JPG) |
Boy! You cleaned everything right down to the wire! | .JPG) |
Now we have all fresh hay! And the window is gone! | .JPG) |
I can't believe I'm getting the treats, after you doing all the work! | .JPG) | me go out to visit the girls! I've been cooped up in here with Juliet all winter! Dottie...please let Romeo out! He's driving me crazy! | .JPG) |
Have I really been that bad, Juliet! Yes, Romeo! Now go away and give me a break! |  |
Well...ok, then! It wasn't easy getting snowed in with you, either, ya know! |  |
Clean myself off and make myself a little more presentable... |  |
And ...away... I... go! Look out, girls! Romeo's back! He He! | .JPG) |
Finally! I get the bench all to myself! | .JPG) |
Hey, Romeo! You're out! Haven't seen you out all winter! I know, guys! I'm going up to visit the girls! We were just up there, Romeo! Mat and I got shooed away because Dottie's doing their spring cleaning! | .JPG) |
Hooooo! Maybe the door will be open! Gutta go! See ya later! | .JPG) |
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Sniff sniff! Girl bunny... girl bunny... girl bunny! | .JPG) |
...girl bunny...girl bunny... girl bunny... Ah! Sweet sent of spring! | .JPG) |
Hey Ladies! It's me... Romeo! You in there? | .JPG) |
It's Romeo! He's back! Of course we're in here, Romeo! Where else can we go? | .JPG) |
I tried to come in to visit with you! But Dottie locked me out! Again! | .JPG) |
We've been asking her to let you visit, too! She said no way! | .JPG) |
That's what she told me, too....twice! | .JPG) |
She said you could visit...once you get neutered! Ya... like that's gonna happen! |  |
Ooops! I hear Juliet calling! Well, girls! It was nice visiting with you! Enjoy this nice weather, and I'll catch you later! | .JPG) |
Hmmmmmm.... So much for spring! Hi, Juliet! I'm back! | .JPG) |
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