March 15 |
Hey, Solly? Wanna go on a woods walk? We could do that! |  |
The ice storm knocked a lot of pine needles off the trees! | .JPG) |
There's all kinds of stuff on the ground! Here for the eating! | .JPG) |
The couple of warm days we just had, melted the ice and snow that was covering them! | .JPG) | melted the top layer... but that made the trail crusty! I don't know if I want to walk there, Solly! I don't like it when I crunch through the layers! Then walk in my footprints, Donk E! I'll break the trail for you! | .JPG) |
Oh! Look! Fresh frozen pine needles! | .JPG) |
Where we going? | .JPG) |
We're following Solly, Galahad! He's breaking through the crusty stuff for us! Hey, Mat? How come you don't break through the top? I'm not as heavy as you guys, Donk E! | .JPG) |
I'm not breaking through, either, Donk E! I think it's because of my alpaca toes! | .JPG) |
Galahad, do you think it's because you and I have a different shaped foot than Solly and Donk E! | .JPG) |
It could be, Mat! You and I both have two toes that spread out when we walk! Solly and Donk E only have one! | .JPG) |
Ho Ho! Lucky day! I found an oak leaf! | .JPG) |
And I see some pine needles! | .JPG) |
Maybe I can knock some leaves loose! | .JPG) |
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Is it working, Mat? | .JPG) |
No. Not a single leaf fell! | .JPG) |
He He! Weeeeeeeee! | .JPG) |
Solly! What are you doing? | .JPG) |
Sliding down the hill on my back! Weeeeee! Wiggle wiggle wiggle! | .JPG) |
Come on you guys! Try it! It's fun! | .JPG) |
Weeeeeeeeee! That was a good one! | .JPG) |
I'm glad Joe made us tracks with the tractor! It makes it easier to walk out here! | .JPG) |
The snows to deep out there, once you walk off the trail! | .JPG) |
At least there's stuff to eat all over the trail! | .JPG) |
Hey, Solly! Wait up! | .JPG) |
Then you find goodies like this... right off to the side! | .JPG) |
I'd like to go for a good run, today! | .JPG) |
So you want to run, hunh? | .JPG) |
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