February 21 |
Here comes Dottie! She has a bag with her! Wonder what's in it! Carrots or bread? |  |
Big carrots! With the skin still on them! | .JPG) |
I was hoping for smushed carrot stew! But this will do! | .JPG) |
I'm trying to push this over...but it's too full! | .JPG) |
Hey, Donk E! Wanna give me a hand over here? | .JPG) |
Well, then... maybe I'll just push over the poo rake! | .JPG) |
What is it? Pizza crust? | .JPG) |
I like pizza crust! I'm next after you, right, Galahad? | .JPG) |
Gimme, gimme, gimme! | .JPG) |
Mmmmm.... I can taste the pepperoni! | .JPG) |
Bread is the very best treat! | .JPG) |
Can we go for a walk, please? | .JPG) |
I'm outta here! | .JPG) |
Me, too! Hey, Donk E! Wait for me! | .JPG) |
Hey...how come they got bread and carrots...and we only got pizza crust? Yes...I liked the pizza crust! But they got carrots and bread! I like that, too! | .JPG) |
It's nice to get out and walk! Hey, Solly...you promise to be good? Yes, Donk E...I'll be good! Promise! | .JPG) |
Mat, buddy...wait for me! | .JPG) |
Hey, you guys! Aren't ya coming? We're gonna walk down the driveway! | .JPG) |
I can't get out...the snow's too deep! Can you shovel me a path to the bird feeder? | .JPG) |
I was hoping for a wider path...but this will do! | .JPG) |
Feast at the bird feeder! How can those birds eat these seeds... and still stay small? This stuff goes right to my hips! Oh...but they're soooo gooood! | .JPG) |
Ha Ha! We can tell Galahad was here! Ya? So? That's my poo spot, Solly! | .JPG) |
But do you have to do it in the middle of the driveway? Well....ya! That way everybody knows I live here! What's wrong with that? Solly...stop picking on Galahad! You promised to be nice! | .JPG) |
If you can't be nice...I'm gonna butt you from here to tomorrow...got that? | .JPG) |
I didn't realize teasing was not being nice, Mat! We all tease eachother! Yaaaa...but with you, Solly...if we give you an inch...you eat the ruler! | .JPG) |
Hey, Mat...speaking of food... Wanna go check out the bird feeder? Naaaa.... I'd rather just go for a nice peaceful woods walk! See if we can find some oak leaves or something! | .JPG) |
Oh...Mat...Tee! Piggy's at the bird feeder! | .JPG) |
Hi Piggy! We're going for a walk! Wanna come? Hi Donk E! Not today...to busy feasting! You guys go, and have a good time! | .JPG) |
But Piggy... it's such a nice day! And you always find the good stuff! Donk E... I can't go out there! The snow's much to deep for me! | .JPG) |
You can walk in my tracks, Piggy! That's sweet, Donk E...but the snow is taller than I am! I'd be lost! You go! I'll finish off the seeds, here! | .JPG) |
Piggy want to stay here, guys! Thanks, Donk E! You go have a nice walk, OK! | .JPG) |
Let's get out there and see what we can find! Good luck, boys! Munch munch! | .JPG) |
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