January 20 |
We got even more snow! |  |
It's snowed for three days now! Where's this global warming everybody's always talking about? | .JPG) |
I don't remember ever seeing this much snow before, Donk E! In all twelve years of my life! Me too... Galahad! In all two and a half years of mine! It would snow...then disappear! Then it would snow again! And disappear! But this stuff just keeps growing deeper and deeper! | .JPG) |
The snow is almost as tall as me! I don't even remember it snowing, last winter! | .JPG) |
That's because you lived in the house with Piggy and Bunny last winter, Mat! You were only a baby! And you were drinking a bottle! ( Click here to see Mat's baby pictures! Oct 8, 2009!) | .JPG) |
Hey, you guys! Joe's out! Let's go say hi! | .JPG) |
Hi Joe! Busy plowing, huh? Look at all the snow! | .JPG) |
Not too busy to give Donk E lovings...are ya? | .JPG) |
Mat lovings...too! We all want lovings! | .JPG) |
Play with us, Joe! You've been pushing snow for days, now! | .JPG) |
Come on...put 'em up! Put 'em up! I'm gonna get you! | .JPG) |
Can we help you get done so we can all go for a walk? | .JPG) |
Let's go for a walk and eat some nice tender pine! | .JPG) |
I think the snow's too deep for me! | .JPG) |
It's Solly...the Wonder Horse! To the rescue! | .JPG) |
I'll break the trail...and you follow behind me, little buddy! | .JPG) |
That makes it much easier, now! Thanks Solly! | .JPG) |
Which way should we go? | .JPG) |
There's plenty to eat over here, Galahad! | .JPG) |
There's some nice tender pine over here! | .JPG) |
Let's go this way! I want to go this way! | .JPG) |
Hey...Donk E! Wanna do a woods run? You're on, Solly! And this time...I'm gonna win! | .JPG) |
I'm giving it everything I've got! | .JPG) |
I think I'll just hold back a little! Donk E's running his heart out! | .JPG) |
You beat me, Donk E! Fair and square! Aw...Solly! I know you let me win! | .JPG) |
Wow! Oak leaves, Solly! | .JPG) |
They weren't there a minute ago! Hey...how'd you do that, Solly? | .JPG) |
I dug them up with my nose, Donk E! | .JPG) |
That's cool, Solly! Where'd you learn how to do that? | .JPG) |
Piggy showed me how to dig for acorns with my nose , Donk E! Speaking of Piggy... why isn't she out walking with us? | .JPG) |
The snow's too deep for her, Donk E! Oh! Maybe we should bring some oak leaves back for her, then! | .JPG) |
Hey you guys! I want to head back now! It's getting late...and my belly's cold! OK, Mat! I'm ready to go back to the barn, too! | .JPG) |
Hey Mat...here comes Donk E! | .JPG) |
Is Solly coming, too...Galahad? | .JPG) |
Solly! Where are you? We're heading back to the barn, now! | .JPG) |
I just ran my third lap, Donk E! Hey? Wanna do a lap with me before we head in? Na... I'm ready to head home! | .JPG) |
Hey...Galahad? I wonder if Dottie will make us some hot oatmeal for a come back snack? That would be nice treat, Mat! Especially if she puts applesauce in it, too! | .JPG) |
What do you guys say? Wanna ask for some hot oat meal when we get back to the barn? | .JPG) |
Here she comes with the pan! Did you put applesauce in it? And molassas? And apple chunks? | .JPG) |
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