January 15 |
Hey! Where'd everybody go? |  |
They must of went on a woods walk! I better catch up to them! | .JPG) |
There you are! You guys left without me! We told you we were gonna go, Galahad! | .JPG) |
Anybody up for a run? | .JPG) |
I'll run with you Solly! I want to run, too, Donk E! | .JPG) |
I wanna run, too! | .JPG) |
What do you say, Galahad? You up for it? Ya! I'll give it a go! | .JPG) |
What do you say...Donk E? You up for it? You're on, Solly! | .JPG) |
And...they're off! | .JPG) |
Solly's in the lead! | .JPG) |
And we're right behind him! Well...almost! | .JPG) |
Where'd Solly go, Donk E? He's doing a second lap! Man, he can run! | .JPG) |
Hey Donk E! Join in! | .JPG) |
Look at him go! | .JPG) |
Here he comes again! | .JPG) |
I betchya I was a race horse in another life! | .JPG) |
You sure are fast, Solly! | .JPG) |
Anybody up for one more lap? | .JPG) |
Will you let me win, Solly? Maybe! | .JPG) |
Now that he's tired...I might actually have a chance! | .JPG) |
Where do you think they went, Mat? We'll find them, Galahad! They can't be far! | .JPG) |
Hey! Come on, you guys! Solly's waiting for us up ahead! | .JPG) |
Found an oak leaf! My lucky day! | .JPG) |
Here comes Donk E! Finally! | .JPG) |
You said you'd let me win...Solly! I said maybe, Donk E! | .JPG) |
You gonna eat that oak leaf, Solly? Maybe... | .JPG) |
Can I have a bite, then? Know what, Donk E? | .JPG) |
You can have the whole thing, Donk E! You deserve it! You ran a good race! Thanks, Solly! That means a lot... coming from you! | .JPG) |
One...two...three... Red Light! That's not fair...Solly! You're cheating! You have to close your eyes, Solly! Ya! How can we move if you don't close your eyes? | .JPG) |
I can't believe those two still have the energy to run up the hill! I'm happy to just be able to walk! My legs are tired! | .JPG) |
Hey, Dottie! Do you think I could have some carrot pieces for a treat? | .JPG) |
I want bread! Can I have some bread for my treat? | .JPG) |
How 'bout some apples? With applesause? | .JPG) |
Ok! Where's our treats? | .JPG) |
Me first! Mmmmmm....bread! | .JPG) |
Thank you! Yum...yum...yum! | .JPG) |
Are those Cheerios in your hand?!! Oh! I love Cheerios! | .JPG) |
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