January 8 |
Hi Penny! Trimming feet again? Didn't you just do that a couple of months ago? | .JPG) |
Their feet have to be trimmed every 6 to 8 weeks? I'm glad I'm an alpace! I get them trimmed only once a year! |  |
Once Penny snips off the over growth with her snips, she has to file it flat so my hoof is even! She has a big file to do this! | .JPG) |
She has to trim a little more off my "toe"! She uses this very sharp knife that has a hook on the end of it! | .JPG) |
I'm suppose to stand very still while she works on me! | .JPG) |
Now she has to lift my leg, and pull it forward! Then she files the outside so it's nice and rounded! | .JPG) |
Ready for the rear feet! First she has to clean out all the dirt that's stuck in my hoof! Then she brushes it clean with a little brush! | .JPG) |
Now for my other front hoof! She works fast! | .JPG) |
File it nice and round! | .JPG) |
Now it's Jakes turn! He gets to trim my hind foot! Working on us little guys is alot harder than working on the big guys! | .JPG) |
I have a rock stuck in my hoof! He's digging it out so that it doesn't turn into an abcess...like before! | .JPG) |
See the black spot? That's where the rock was! | .JPG) |
Now Jake's filing it down so it's nice and even, all the way around! | .JPG) |
I love you too, Penny! Hey Penny? Can you do me a favor, and face the camera? We never get to see your face because you're always working! | .JPG) |
Much better! Thank you! | .JPG) |
Hey guys! My turn, now...right? | .JPG) |
Clean out all the muck! | .JPG) |
Snip off the over growth! | .JPG) |
File it down and round... nice and pretty! | .JPG) |
Jake gets the hind foot! Brush it clean, buddy! | .JPG) |
For some reason...I had a growth spurt! Look how much it grew out! | .JPG) |
Thank you for keeping our feet healthy, Penny! | .JPG) |
Jake's just snipping away! | .JPG) |
You guys sure do a great job! | .JPG) |
I love you too, Penny! | .JPG) |
Now it's Penny's turn! These guys work like a tag team! | .JPG) |
Are we, like...almost done? I'm getting hungry! | .JPG) |
Of course I'm being a good boy! | .JPG) |
All cleaned out, and ready to trim! | .JPG) |
Jake's just doing the finishing touch! | .JPG) |
Thanks for the new set of feet, Jake! | .JPG) |
Can we go for a woods walk after...and try 'em out? | .JPG) |
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