December 25 Merry Christmas! |
The Santa Bunny came! |  |
That was Santa Bunny? I didn't even get to see him! What do I do now, Momma? | .JPG) |
Go see what he brought you, Shadow! Will you come with me Blue Bunny? We'll all go! | .JPG) |
Carrot and apple pieces! Cool! But Momma...we get these all the time! Well they are really special today, Shadow! It's Christmas! |  |
Hey! Dottie's here! Come on! |  |
Can we have our Christmas Sock now? Can we? Can we? Hunh...hunh? Mat...calm down, will ya? | .JPG) |
Please can we see what Santa left us in our stocking? Ya...please? | .JPG) |
Pretty please? | .JPG) |
Ok...we'll eat our breakfast first! | .JPG) |
Let me see! C...h...e...e...r...i...o...s... | .JPG) |
Cheerios! Santa brought me Cheerios! | .JPG) |
A whole box of them! I didn't even know they came in a box! | .JPG) |
Crunch...munch...munch! Oh... these are good! | .JPG) |
Donk E! That's mine! I got a candy cane! | .JPG) |
I smell apples! And carrots, too! Oh! Boy! | .JPG) |
Whadya get, Donk E? I got apples and carots and peppermint pieces, Galahad! | .JPG) |
Hey...I didn't get any peppermint pieces, Donk E! You didn't ask for them, Galahad! | .JPG) |
M...A...T! That's me! | .JPG) |
I can't reach it from here! | .JPG) |
Hey, Dottie! Can you do me a favor? | .JPG) |
Can you dump my goodies in here for me? | .JPG) |
Whoa this is the big naughty or nice test! | .JPG) |
I didn't know Santa had a list of all the bad stuff I did... | .JPG) |
If I knew that eariler...I would have been a lot nicer! I was so bad...there's probably nothing in there! | .JPG) |
It feels empty! No! Wait a minute! There is something in there! | .JPG) |
I'll just dump it out and hope it's not a chunk of coal! | .JPG) |
It's a chunk of coal! | .JPG) |
So, Santa...think I was naughty...then? I'll show you what naughty is! | .JPG) |
Whoa, boy...we're all in for it, now! | .JPG) |
Watermellon! | .JPG) |
Santa left the watermelon for Solly? | .JPG) |
Well... maybe if I try to be good for next year. A year is a long time to be good, though! I was really wishing for a piece of watermellon! | .JPG) |
Do we have to tell Solly the watermellon is his? Oh...all right! | .JPG) |
Santa did leave me watermellon! He believed I'd try to be good! | .JPG) |
I hope he doesn't hold that little "show him what naughty is" thing against me for next year! |  |
I got to visit Gramdma and Grandpa! Here I am taking a nap next to Grandpa! All he had to do was reach down to rub my ears! |  |
Grandma got me this cute little Christmas dress for Christmas! |  |
I got to unwrap my own gift from Santa! He got me a blanket with little piggys on it! |  |
Yes, Grandma...I've been very good! Now give me that Banana chip! |  |
From all of all of you! We wish you a Merry Christmas! And may all your wishes come true! | .JPG) |
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