December 20 |
Joe found us...not one...but two... perfect Critter Christmas Trees! |  |
He had to drag them out of the forest! | .JPG) |
Wow! guys...LOOK! It's our Christmas Tree! We have two! | .JPG) |
Oh! Boy! Our Christmas tree! | .JPG) |
Let's eat it! Munch ....munch.....munch! Hey, Joe! Thanks! It's beautiful! Ya...and delicious...too! | .JPG) |
What's with the branches? | .JPG) |
Those are for me, Donk E! I love to eat the bark! | .JPG) |
Hey Dottie! You know the other Christmas tree you have tied to the fence? You Know! The one we're NOT suppose to eat? | .JPG) |
Ya! That one! | .JPG) |
Shouldn't there and carrots hanging on it? Ya... and strings of popcorn! And cheerios, maybe? With cranberries? | .JPG) |
Ahhhh...aren't we supposta get a Christmas sock, too? So Santa can fill it with treats? | .JPG) |
Can we have our names on them? | .JPG) |
Oh! Oh! Can I have my nane done in red glitter? | .JPG) |
Can I have my name done in red glitter, too? | .JPG) |
I want my name done in silver glitter! And outlined in red glitter! You can do that, Donk E? | .JPG) |
Can you write "Galahad" in pretty handwriting? we go! | .JPG) |
Can I help ya, Dottie? I like glitter! I'd like to help...too! Can I help, too, Dottie? | .JPG) |
When you put my name on my sock...can you use a little creativity? I really want it to stand out for Santa! | .JPG) |
Hey momma! Look what Dottie brought us!'s delicious, too! What is it? It's our Christmas tree, Shadow! Santa Bunnie will be coming by! And if you're a good girl...he'll leave you carrots and apples! | .JPG) |
Santa Bunnie is coming to visit me? Have I been good, Momma? Yes, Shadow! You've been a very good bunny! | .JPG) |
Look, Juliet! It's our Christmas tree! It's nice and fresh, too, Romeo! | .JPG) |
Juliet! This is so good! (Munch...munch...munch!) I know! It's still sappy! | .JPG) |
They must of just cut it this morning! Munch...munch...munch! Mmmmmmm! | .JPG) |
Hey, Romeo...slow down! You're being a glutton! But it's so good, Juliet! Munch...munch...munch! So sweet and sticky! | .JPG) |
At the rate your going, Romeo...we won't even have a tree for Christmas! I can't help it, Juliet! This is really good! Munch...munch...munch! | .JPG) |
And what do we have here? | .JPG) |
It's our Christmas stockings! | .JPG) |
Hey, Romeo! Come here! Check this out! | .JPG) |
We need our Christmas tree in here with our stockings! | .JPG) |
I like the red stocking! Can't have the red one, Romeo...that's mine! | .JPG) |
Perfect! Now we're ready for Santa Bunny! | .JPG) |
Now...if I can just unhook this lock...I can get in the coop and eat all their left over grain! Hmmmmm! | .JPG) |
I didn't know you were watching me from the bunnie house! You're not gonna tell Santa...are you? | .JPG) |
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