November 7 Part 2 We do a part 2...because everytime Dottie has to down load one has to download all the photos on the page! The more photos...the longer it takes! So instead of 60...she does 30 a page! |
Mat...I don't like acorns! Did you ever try one, Galahad? |  |
Not really, Mat! No. | .jpg) |
Hey, Galahad...can you pull that branch down for me? Sure, Buddy...which one? | .jpg) |
See those round things, Galahad? They're acorns! They hide under the leaves! Who would have thought to look under the leaves...when you always just ate the leaves? | .jpg) |
You can always tell where Piggy was, because she pushes all the leaves away! | .jpg) |
Oh! Mat! These are (crunch crunch) very good! (crunch crunch munch!) I told ya, Galahad! We didn't even know about eating them 'till Piggy started pigging out! She eats them like pop corn! | .jpg) |
Now I can understand why! These things are good! Crunch crunch! | .jpg) |
Crunch...munch! | .jpg) |
Ho...ho! I found a good spot! | .jpg) |
Hmmmm.....Donk E found a good spot... | .jpg) |
Found a good spot...did you Donk E? You're crowding me, Solly! | .jpg) |
Not like there's a shortage of the things, Donk! That's right, Solly! We have the whole forest full! Go find them! | .jpg) |
You're right, Donk E! Didn't mean to get right in your face! Then walk on, Solly...and find your own spot! | .jpg) |
I did promise to be good! The forest floor is filled with them! Why do I have to be such a glutton? | .jpg) |
Acorns are like pistachios...can't eat just one! As a matter of just can't stop eating them! | .jpg) |
Hey! Where you guys going? | .jpg) |
I'm going over to the power lines! I'm following Solly! | .jpg) |
That's where all the acorns are! The other side of the power lines! | .jpg) |
Ohhhh! You're gonna get in Troub...ble! Dottie said if you cross the'll be stuck in your pen for a week! | .jpg) |
You're right, Galahad! I don't want to get into trouble! | .jpg) |
There's plenty to eat over here...on this side of the power lines! | .jpg) |
I just love these baby oak trees! Just my size! Small tree...big leaves! Yum! | .jpg) |
And these Beech tree leaves are so sweet! | .jpg) |
Where did Solly go? I hope he doesn't find a hunter! Or a hunter doesn't find him! With his white tail and all! | .jpg) |
Solly! You better get back here before something happens to you! | .jpg) |
Galahad's really worried about me! I better head back!'s no fun to get in trouble alone! | .jpg) |
Hey you guys! I think I just heard the dinner bell ring! | .jpg) |
Yep! That's the dinner bell, alright! | .jpg) |
I hope we get apples for desert! I'm hoping for some nice soft bread! | .jpg) |
Why should we have to go in for dinner...when there's plenty to eat right here in the forest? | .jpg) |
Ring...Ring...Ring! | .jpg) |
Last one a rotten egg! I hosey the hay bin! | .jpg) |
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