October 2 |
Hey! Solly! Where are you? |  |
I'm way overe here, Galahad! | .jpg) |
Look Donk E! I found some viney stuff! It's good, too! You eat the weirdest stuff, Mat! | .jpg) |
Oh! Look! Here comes Piggy! Hi Piggy! | .jpg) |
Hi Donk E! Great day for a graze, isn't it! | .jpg) |
Donk E? Can we talk for a little? Sure Piggy! What's up! Well, Donk E...that thing with Mat, yesterday... being sad that he's small...and always getting pushed away... | .jpg) |
Ya! That was funny! Wasn't it! | .jpg) |
That's the point, Donk E! It isn't funny! | .jpg) |
I have to deal with it all the time, Donk E! | .jpg) |
Donk E...I'm only this tall! I'm even smaller than Mat! | .jpg) |
When I'm in the tall grass, and you come up to herd me back to the group...all I see is a nose and hoofs! And it scares me! And you think it's funny! | .jpg) |
Gee...Piggy! I never thought of it like that! | .jpg) |
Well...maybe you should try to imagine what it would be like to walk in my hoofs for a day! I'm 12 inches tall! Come on! I can't even see you guys when we're in the tall grass! | .jpg) |
Whoa...Piggy! I'm so sorry! | .jpg) |
You don't have to be sorry, Donk E...just be considerate! I love you, Piggy! Ditto, Donk E! | .jpg) |
Wow...I never really gave it a thought, before! I guess I just took being tall for granted! | .jpg) |
Piggy...what's it like to not be able to see higher than 8 inches? | .jpg) |
Mostly 6 inches, Donk E...unless I walk with my nose up! Hey Piggy! Where ya going? | .jpg) |
I think I just found a way to help you all understand! Hey Mat! Come here for a minute... would ya, please?! | .jpg) |
Piggy, just let me get these tid bits...and I'll be right with ya! | .jpg) |
Donk E? Solly? Piggy want's us to join her for a little! Come on, Solly! Our presence is being requested! | .jpg) |
Come on, you guys! I want you to follow me! And keep your heads down! Okay? | .jpg) |
Watch out for this thorny plant! We don't want any thorns stuck in your noses! Make sure you keep your heads down! | .jpg) |
What are you up to, Piggy! Just follow me, Mat! He He...Snort! | .jpg) |
Mat! We are gonna show the big boys...what it's like to be little! Ya? And how are we gonna do that...Piggy! | .jpg) |
Come on, boys! Follow me! And keep your noses right to the ground! | .jpg) |
What ...are ...you... guys... doing? | .jpg) |
Piggys teaching us what it's like to be little! | .jpg) |
That was really tough, Piggy! Donk E...you think that was tough? | .jpg) |
Now comes the good part! Drag your bellies over the gravel when you go up the driveway! | .jpg) |
Sorry, Piggy! Dottie's calling! Ya...I hear Joe starting the tractor! Can you imagine what it's like having to drag your belly on this stuff? Gutta hand it to Piggy! She's one smart Pig! | .jpg) |
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