September 16 |
Look Piggy! Fuzzies on the fresh cut lumber! Why would you eat that, Mat...when you have the whole woods to munch on? |  |
Oh! Piggy! Pine is the best...when it's still wet and sticky! | .jpg) |
You can have it, Mat! I'm gonna go find some left over chicken food! | .jpg) |
Now hold the hoop and Mat and I will go through the hoop together! You ready Mat? | .jpg) |
Hey! Linda! Are you gonna hold the hoop for me or what! | .jpg) |
Your name is Jatasha? I'm Galahad! I'm an alpaca! | .jpg) |
And you're her sweetie, Mat! We have a Mat, too! Only he's a goat! You have cheerios? | .jpg) |
Jatasha wants to take me home...but I'm not old enough yet! So we're bonding! I'm gonna be their house bunny | .jpg) |
You wanna take me home, Mat? I wanna be a house Donk E! | .jpg) |
Hey you two! How about some attention, here! I'm laying down for a belly rub! Get busy! | .jpg) |
That's more like it! | .jpg) |
I love my jowels jiggled! Just don't squish my cheeks together and say I'm cute! | .jpg) |
You hold the bowl at just the right height, Jatasha! | .jpg) |
Now that the older ones are out and about...I get to take my new babies out into the big yard! | .jpg) |
Mom made us leave the coop because she's afraid we might step on the babies! | .jpg) |
What a beautiful day to just stretch out and relax! I know, Galahad! I feel lazy, already! | .jpg) |
What are you doing, Donk E? Stretching out and relaxing! What about you, Solly? What are you up to? | .jpg) |
Me? I'm gonna munch down this pile of hay! | .jpg) |
That's all Solly does is eat! least when he's eating...he's not picking on me! | .jpg) |
Hey! She let us out for a walk about! I bet she closed the gates on the bridge! | .jpg) |
Joe has the saw mill running! | .jpg) |
Let's go see what he's up to! | .jpg) |
It's too hot to be working like that, Joe! | .jpg) |
Why don't cha take a break and hang out with us in the shade? | .jpg) |
How 'bout a woods walk? Wanna go on a woods walk? | .jpg) |
As long as you keep scratching my good spots...I'm not going anywhere! | .jpg) |
Hey...come on you guys! I'd like to go on a woods walk! | .jpg) |
You're the best, Joe! You deserve a Donk E hug! | .jpg) |
Sip of water? Sure! | .jpg) |
Slurp...slurp...slurp! | .jpg) |
Very good! Very good, indeed! | .jpg) |
It's so made my tongue numb! | .jpg) |
This is so good...slurp slurp! Now I can see why Mat liked his bottle so much! | .jpg) |
I think I like drinking from the bottle better than the bucket! It's way colder! Oh! Brain freeze going on! | .jpg) |
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