August 16 |
Help! Help! I can't see! Someone shut the lights off! |  |
Donk E! Donk E! Help! Help! It's stuck on me! I can't get it off! | .jpg) |
I'm right here, Mat...but you're gonna have to whoa before you run into the truck! | .jpg) |
Thanks, Donk E! That was scarey! What else do they have in here? You're not allowed in the garage, Mat! There's too many things you can get into! I wonder what's going on! Joe and Dottie have been pretty busy for days now! Donk E...why don't you go ask Piggy! She knows everything cuz she's a house pig! She hears it all! | .jpg) |
What's in here? | .jpg) |
Now you went and did it, Mat! We got shoed to the barn yard! I was just trying to help, Donk E! | .jpg) |
Snort Snort......zzzzzzzzzzz Humph! The boys are coming! | .jpg) |
Hi Boys! What's up? | .jpg) |
Ooops! They don't look too happy! | .jpg) |
Why the long ears, Donk E? Aw...Piggy! Mat was getting into everything so we got shoed back to the barn yard! | .jpg) |
Hey you know what's going on around here? Dottie and Joe have been busy for days now! We're getting ready for visitors, Donk E! | .jpg) |
I'm gonna get to do my show for a big audience! See! I even got my nails done! | .jpg) |
Visitors...hunh? | .jpg) |
Ya! And they're coming from every where! Tara and her sweetie, Steve, are coming all the way from Iowa! Where ever that is! | .jpg) |
I heard everyone call it a party! I hope it's a party! I love parties! | .jpg) |
That means there'll be food there! Snort! Snort! | .jpg) |
Hey Dottie...just so you know...I was trying to keep Mat out of trouble! Ya...I didn't work! But I tried! | .jpg) |
Put the camera away...and give me attention! | .jpg) |
I'm serious! I'll let go ... if you put the camera away! | .jpg) |
Oh ya! An ear rub! | .jpg) |
I'm gonna stay up here with you so I can stay out of trouble! OK, Solly? You think I'm gonna keep you out of trouble, Mat? | .jpg) |
I can't even keep ME out of trouble! | .jpg) |
It's such a nice morning...and I'm just chillin! Maybe I'll surprise everybody...and be good...for a change! You? Be good...Solly? | .jpg) |
Ya! Right! This I gutta see! | .jpg) |
Hey Solly! Don't listen to Galahad! | .jpg) |
I know you can be good, Solly! Cuz underneath that tough hossie're really just a big old teddy bear! You really think so, Piggy? Yes! I do, Solly! | .jpg) |
Hey! Momma Chicken....there's people here looking for chickens! | .jpg) |
They won't be looking at my babies! They're still too young! They still have a lot to learn! Right Junior? Now show me how you scratch for bugs! The rest of you better pay attention...because you'll be next! | .jpg) |
Are they gonna look for us, Mom? No! You're all still too young! They're coming for the older young ones! | .jpg) |
Older...young ones? Oh no! We're older young ones! | .jpg) |
Quick! Let's go hide in the Bunny house! | .jpg) |
I heard they're looking for two hens! That would be us! Well! I heard she isn't selling us roosters...Dottie said we were priceless! | .jpg) |
Not fools! She said FREE! If they buy the hens...they get us for free! She's giving us away! | .jpg) |
Here we are, in our new crate...with our new people...heading to our new home! | .jpg) |
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