June 29 - July 5 Page 13 |
Hi! I'm Baby Gray! I 'm Dotties best baby bunny. I think she felt bad that I was so small when I was born. She took me under her wing and gave me extra lovings. I'm the only gray one in the litter! My brother and sisters are all gold and white! |  |
Come on there cutie...breakfast is ready! Shake a leg or all the good stuff will be gone! |  |
Oh Boy! Watermellon for breakfast! Good start to a great day! |  |
Yummy, yummy, yummy! I have to come up for some air! This is soooooo good! And easy for me to eat! They can spoil me... all...they...want! |  |
I am growing big so fast! And I can fly! I learned how to be a chicken really good! It's really easy! You wake up and scratch around for crawlie things....then eat them. I have that part down really good, hunh Mom? |  |
Good Morning! Yep...I make a mess! When she fills up my hay rack....I empty it out and toss the hay to the floor looking for all the good stuff! I eat all my breakfast....but the good stuff falls into my tray so I can eat that first! Kinda like eating the marshmellos first in the Lucky Charms cereal, I guess! |  |
I taught him how to do that! I eat it all, though! Mine, Donks, Baaarts, even the bunnies if I could get to it. I am an eating machine! Hey, I'm a growing boy! Wider! Ha ha! |  |
This is the best! The boys got fed in their stalls....and I get this whole pile all to my self! This is great! |  |
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I'm done with my breakfast. Can we go for a walk? |  |
Please? Pretty Please? With carrots on top? |  |
It's so nice to have Dottie all to my self for a nice walk in the woods! We can just take our time, and meander through the forest. And I don't have to worry about Solly chasing me off if I find something really tasty to eat! |  |
Dotties parents came up to spend some time with us! Hey...Solly got one more carrot than I got. |  |
Dottie and Joe are ready to leave for Maine! And it was pouring when they left! They have to deliver an Outhouse to Fort Kent, Maine! Here's some of their trip! |  |
Dottie and Joe had to put it together in their friends garage. It rained every day they were up there! |  |
Once they were done, their friend, Jack, moved it to it's new home with his John Deere tractor! |  |
Jack and Diane with their new outhouse! |  |
This is one of the prettiest storm clouds we ever saw! |  |
Here's some photos Dottie wanted to share with you! Beautiful country...hunh? |  |
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 | Can you find the heart in the campfire?
Below are two of the outhouses we found along the way! |
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These are our "critter sitters", Mike and Diane. To us...they're more like our Fairy Grandparents! Not only do they take care of us when Dottie and Joe go away, but they give us lovings, too! They spoil us whenever they come to visit, and we love them very much! |  |
Aw...come on....why does Galahad get way more food than me? That's not fair...you feeding him in there. I cant get to his food! |  |
Surprise! These are my nine beautiful baby chicks! I've been busy while Dottie was away! Dottie let Maralin have only one egg to hatch! I hid my nest in the bunny house! |  |
Dottie said we got so big so fast! She feeds us really good! It must be the carrots! So if you want to grow big and strong...eat your carrots! |  |
Joe's cutting some fresh radish greens for me! I love fresh radish greens! He can eat the radishes....I only eat the tops! We make a good team! |  |
Hmmmmm...all this hay...Donk and Galahad are just eating away..... |  |
Okay, Donk E....move over... This pile is mine! |  |
All mine! |  |
Solly is such a hog....he should have been born a pig! |  |
Oh, come on....I'll behave....we have visitors....with carrots! Let me out...I promise....I'll be good! |  |
Someone's coming this way...Oh! It's Dotties Dad! |  |
Oh Ya....Oh ya....that's the way you do it! I like having visitors! We get to spoil eachother! |  |
What's that noise? Music? You're playing the harmonica? I love it! Music! That's really cool! |  |
That's so beautiful! Can I give you a Donk E hug? They're famous, you know! |  |
You can make music and pat me at the same time? Oh....I love you! |  |
Whatch gut? Out of my way, Donk! Out of here Solly...he's mine! |  |
How do you do that? Is it food? Can you eat it? Give me a try! |  |
That is just too cool! It's soothing! Will you play for me too? |  |
You have us under your spell! |  |
We know you have food in that cup, Grandma! Give it up!
Me too....me too! |  |
I thought I heard music out here! I remember you playing for me years ago! |  |
He's playing my favorate song! I loved my goat and my goat loved me! I cherished my goat under the big fir tree... my little goat goes baaa baaa baaa my little chickie goes cluck cluck cluck, my little rooster goes cock-a-do-do do do do do do do do do do do do! |  |
How 'bout a donkey? Whats a donkey say? Get to the part about how you love your horsey! |  |
Happy 4th of July! | |
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