June 11 |
OhmaGod! It's happening! Our eggs are hatching! I've been waiting for this for a month, now! And it's finally happening! I'm gonna be a dad! |  |
Duckie...Duckie! My eggs are hatching! It's happening! I'm gonna be a dad! I'm gonna be a dad! | .jpg) |
Congratulations, Duckie! We just hatched out 10 baby duckies....so I know how you're feeling! | .jpg) |
I'm so excited, Duckie! I'm gonna be a daddy! I'm gonna be a daddy! Well...you better get back there, Fuzzy ...just in case she needs you! | .jpg) |
I'm just a ball of fluff right now! She told me the best help I could give her was to go away till she's done! I'm so nervous! I'm running around like a chicken with his head....never mind! I can't deal with all this stress! Oh ya...that feels good! It's relaxing me! Maybe a little to the left? Ya! Right there! Ahhh! | .jpg) |
Fuzzy Honey! I thought I felt something! Yep! It hatched...but where did it go? | .jpg) |
Here I am, Mom...under here! | .jpg) |
So... this is it...hunh? | .jpg) |
Ouch! This one just kicked his way out! | .jpg) |
So...what do you think? Well... It's bigger then the last place I was staying in! That's for sure! | .jpg) |
Whew! That was tough! Hey...where are we? | .jpg) |
Come over here! Mom said to stay off the eggs so the others can hatch! | .jpg) |
I just came from one of ... them? | .jpg) |
Betcha I couldn't get back inside one of those things even if my life depended on it! | .jpg) |
They're popping now! | .jpg) |
Hey Mom...it's getting kinda cramped in here! | .jpg) |
What do you mean...make room for the rest of 'em? How many are there? | .jpg) |
How do you know you're a chicken? I'm a chicken, too? You're kidding...right? | .jpg) |
Still have a few more to go! | .jpg) |
Come on...you guys! Break through the shell, already! We're all waiting for you to hatch so we can go eat! | .jpg) |
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This...younglings...is an english muffin! You have to peck at it to break a piece off! Then you eat it! | .jpg) |
Very good! Hey...easy! Be gentle! You have to share! Easy...easy! Ouch! Be careful what you peck! | .jpg) |
I think they got it! | .jpg) |
Hey...what happened, Mom? I can't peck a piece off! It flipped over? This is the crust side? Well turn it back over! | .jpg) |
I was getting pecked more than the muffin! It's a free for all down there! | .jpg) |
Hey...come on...move over! I want a piece of that, too! | .jpg) |
Split up! Half of you work on this piece...and this half can work on this piece! | .jpg) |
Hey Fuzzy Honey...could you take the rest of them and show them how to scratch for grain? |  |
Now you go with your Daddy! He's gonna show you how we find food out in the big world! The big world, Momma? Bigger than this? I thought this was the big world! It's bigger then the last world I lived in! |  |
OK, son! You need to pay attention! You just missed a piece of cracked corn! Gee, Daddy...when I grow up...I want to be ... just ... like ...you! ♥ | .jpg) |
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