June 2 Happy Birthday, Wayne! |
I'm looking for a lucky four leaf clover! But till I do...I'll eat all the three leafed ones! |  |
The Dog Wood tree is in full bloom! That was quick! | .jpg) |
Boy...am I in hot water! Bunny just found out that Juliet and I are together in the kennel! She's not a very happy bunny right now. And I don't know what to do! | .jpg) |
That's what you get for flirting with her, Romeo! You better go talk with her and explain that we've been mates for three years... before she came to live with us! | .jpg) |
Juliet...I wasn't flirting...I was being friendly! I like Bunnie!...But I love you! |  |
Romeo...you liked the attention! Now look what happened! Her heart is broken! |  |
Romeo...You need to go talk with her...and tell her what you just told me! I'm sure she'll understand! |  |
I think I'd rather face a hungry fox, then to talk to Bunnie right now! |  |
It's so hot out...that Dottie made me a mud puddle to lay in! | .jpg) |
Mud baths ...also called "spa treatments"... make women beautiful! Is it working yet? | .jpg) |
You're beautiful with or without the mud, Piggy! Oh, thank you, Mat...you darling! | .jpg) |
I think you're beautiful, too...Piggy! With or without the mud! Why thank you Donk E! You two are my biggest fans! Snort! | .jpg) |
Hi Prairie Chicken! Whatchya doing? Catching some sunlight, Piggy! It feels so good on these old bones of mine! | .jpg) |
Well...I'm gonna get some grazing in...before it gets too hot! Wait for me, Piggy...I'll join ya! Hey you guys...there's a bowl full of bunny pellets in the bunny yard! | .jpg) |
Itchy fur...itchy fur! It took me all winter to grow this fur...now I can't wait to shed it off! | .jpg) |
Dotties friend, Pat, brought her grandkids for a visit! Sophie and Evan got to see the inside of the glass studio! | .jpg) |
When they had questions about the dichroic glass necklaces, Dottie had them make one of their own! | .jpg) |
Things got really quiet as they worked on their pieces! | .jpg) |
Dottie sent Pat four pieces to be auctioned off at her church fair! Now Pat has to make her very own! Sometimes...the best way to learn...is to just do it! | .jpg) |
The hoop is suppose to be my trick...but every time the hoop comes out...Mat's right there! Hey Donk E! It's a trick for a treat! I want treats too! | .jpg) |
Evan... I want two cherios...or I'm not moving! | .jpg) |
I'm the star of the show, Evan! I do all the good tricks! You're a show off, Solly! | .jpg) |
You have to excuse Solly...he thinks he's better than the rest of us! Ya...he tries to hog all the attention! All of the time! Right, Donk E? I am the star...because I do the most tricks! | .jpg) |
See... Sophie? I can hoop myself! | .jpg) |
Okay...Sophie! This is where you put the hoop over my ears and say "Ta - Da"! Good Girrrrl! | .jpg) |
Okay...Evan! Now it's your turn to go through the hoop! Good Boy! You learn quick...for a human! | .jpg) |
Okay, Mat...your turn! Through the hoop! Hey Donk E...how 'bout letting me do this as part of our show? You and me...a team! | .jpg) |
Come on... Evan! We'll go through together! Ready? Hey! Wanna be part of the trick? It's cool! We make people happy! You do the hoop really really good! | .jpg) |
Sophie...you could be in the show, too, ya know... You can set up the bowling pins for me! Piggy taught me how to bowl for pellets! | .jpg) |
I have a whole bunch of tricks that I do...but they're all in the house! | .jpg) |
Hi Sssophie! I'm Monty... Python! Your handssss are warm and sssoft! | .jpg) |
Come on, Pat! Get brave! Feel thisss end...there's no head! Sssee? I'm very soft...like very fine leather! | .jpg) |
Yeah! Evan! I'm proud of ya! I told ya! Once you get over the fact that I'm a sssnake...you'll always want to come to visit with me! | .jpg) |
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