May 15 |
I'm getting lovings! He Ha! I'm gonna ask Joe if he wants to go for a walk...just as soon as he's done!! |  |
Hey...Joe Buddy...nice of you to join us! | .jpg) |
Hey Piggy! Where are you? | .jpg) |
I'm coming! I'm coming! Wait for me! | .jpg) |
Come on...Donk E! I'll race you to the river! | .jpg) |
Perfect day for a graze! Nice patch of clover! | .jpg) |
Donk E...look how fast the water's going! It's making me thirsty for a drink! I wouldn't drink that, Piggy! Fish pee in there you know! | .jpg) |
Yeck...yeck...yeck! Come on...boys! Let's run! | .jpg) |
See if you can catch me! | .jpg) |
You're on, Galahad! | .jpg) |
Did you see that? Solly just blew right by me! And he's still going! | .jpg) |
Maybe someday I'll get to run as fast as Solly! | .jpg) |
How come you're still wearing your harness, Piggy? If I want to go outside...I have to put it on, Donk E! We do it everyday! | .jpg) |
That looks like a good spot, over there! | .jpg) |
Piggy? Why do you make those grunting noises? That's how pigs keep track of each other! You're suppose to answer me by grunting and squealing...then I know where you are! | .jpg) |
I don't know how to grunt, Piggy! | .jpg) |
That's okay're tall enough that I can see where you are! That's a good thing! | .jpg) |
Dottie...the flying, biting, itchy things are back. Can you scratch my head for me? | .jpg) |
Oh Ya! Down...down...little to the right..... | .jpg) |
Oh! Ya! Good spot! I didn't even know it was itchy! | .jpg) |
Oops! Gutta go! Dottie's calling me! | .jpg) |
I'll walk over with you, Piggy! Sure, Mat! Come along! | .jpg) |
Do you think she'll give me a treat too, Piggy? I'm sure of it, Mat! She really likes when we come to her...when she calls! | .jpg) |
Hey Galahad...Donk E! Dottie's passing out treats! | .jpg) |
Hey you guys! Come on! She's got cherios! | .jpg) |
Can I have three cherios? I've been real good lately! It's been tough...but I've been trying really hard to be good! Like three cherios good! | .jpg) |
Could I have an ear rub instead of a cherio? I've got bug bites in them...and they're itchy! | .jpg) |
Hey Mat...come on! I know where there's a good patch of sweet clover! Slow down, Piggy! You're going past some good stuff here! | .jpg) |
Ah Ha! A dandylion! My favorite! I eat the leaves...then dig up the roots...and eat them! That seems to make Joe and Dottie really happy! Me, too! | .jpg) |
I found... what I call... a "tender vittles" bush! Tender sweet baby leaves! Yum! | .jpg) |
It's hard trying to eat it with the wind blowing it back and forth like this! But I'm doing! | .jpg) |
Piggy...why aren't you eating the yellow flowers? Those are the best! | .jpg) |
I only eat the leaves and roots, Donk E! You can have all the flowers you can eat! | .jpg) |
You are the best piggy...Piggy! I love you, too, Donk E! | .jpg) |
There's all kinds of good stuff popping up! | .jpg) |
Hey Solly...I'm gonna go over and see what Galahad found! He's been there for awhile! Must be a good spot! | .jpg) |
So nice and peaceful having this whole field to myself! | .jpg) |
I spoke to soon! | .jpg) |
Come on, Piggy...let's go up for a nap! That sounds like a good idea! I'm right behind you, Mat! | .jpg) |
I'll race you to the barn, Piggy! That's not fair, Mat! You got a head start! | .jpg) |
Ha Ha! Flew right by him, while he stopped to munch! Kinda like the Turtle and the Hare! Believe it! Ha Ha Snort! | .jpg) |
Oh Ya! This is nice! No bugs up here! (Big deep breath...let it out very slowly...and sigh!) ZZZZZZZZZZZZ Snort Snort zzzzzzzzzzz | .jpg) |
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