Piggy's Easter Adventure! This is the 100th page to our Journal! Celebrate with us! Get your Free Gift from Critter Encounter! Go to "Build a Book" for details! |
I got to go to Grandma and Grampas for Easter! This is my friend, Sydney! I just met her today...and now we're BGFs! (Best Girl Friends!) |  |
I even got a new Easter dress! How lucky am I! |  |
Uncle Wayne let me root while Dottie unpacked all my stuff! | .jpg) |
This young couple drove by...turned around...and came back to meet me! They're from the Czech Republic! Her eyes were the same color as her sweater...which was almost the color of the grass! She was very sweet! She couldn't believe I was a pig! | .jpg) |
Once she fed me a couple of pig pellets...she realized how gentle I was! She couldn't believe that, either! |  |
And when my bow fell off...her husband helped me put it back on! | .jpg) |
And then...I got to meet Uncle Waynes' friend, Wendi...and her daughter Sydney! Sydney didn't know what to make of me at first! | .jpg) |
...And then she fed me! Yep! Sure way to a pigs heart! | .jpg) |
Hi! I'm Miss Piggy! Your name is Sydney! Pretty name for a pretty girl! They usually just call me Piggy...but I'm wearing a dress today! Hey! So are you! I'll call you Miss Sydney...okay! | .jpg) |
Oh! More pellets...and a raisin! Cool! | .jpg) |
Wendi...what's that thing you're wearing? That's a camera? Now...that's a camera! Wanna take my picture? OK! Cheese! | .jpg) |
My bow keeps sliding off! It just clips on...Yep...you got it! Thank you! | .jpg) |
Not only do I sit now, Grampa...but I stay untill you tell me OK! You can say OK, now...Grampa! Come on...say OK! | .jpg) |
Grandma...can Payton come outside to play with us? | .jpg) |
Come on...follow me! I have a box of games we can play! They're in the truck! |  |
Oops...wait up! Good spot! Snort, snort, snort! Oh! Very good! | .jpg) |
The grass was growing a little long, there! Just doing my part! | .jpg) |
I'm still a pig! Ha Ha Snort! I'm the Easter Pig! | .jpg) |
How good is this? I have a new friend! | .jpg) |
Not as much jowl to jiggle, Uncle Wayne! I've been on a diet and exercising! Getting ready for the spay...ya know? | .jpg) |
Thanks for setting them up! Ready? Let's bowl! | .jpg) |
Good girl, Payton! We got a strike! Now.. set them up...and we can do it again! | .jpg) |
You watching, Sydney? When I flip this tire over three times...I get three pellets! You have to count "one...two... three" as I flip it! Then count "one...two...three"...as she counts out the pellets...OK? Ready? | .jpg) |
Hey Payton! Where ya going with the ball? You're suppose to push it back to me! | .jpg) |
Hey! Get back here...you little human! I can't believe she took my ball and ran with it! The nerve! And she has three balls of her own, too! Go figure! | .jpg) |
Oh! Look! I found an Easter Egg! And it smells like an apricot! | .jpg) |
Payton...I'll give you this egg... if you give me my ball back! | .jpg) |
Just 'cuz she can take my ball...doesn't make it right! | .jpg) |
Whatever! Oh...ya! Belly rub! I feel better already! | .jpg) |
Wow...Sydney! The Easter Bunny left you an Easter Basket? | .jpg) |
Did he leave one for me, too? | .jpg) |
You'll share your basket with me! I can have first pick! Wow...Thank you, Sydney! | .jpg) |
Can I choose the Easter grass at the bottom? | .jpg) |
Wayne Jr. came by to visit, while Grampa was having me do my tricks! |  |
It's an Easter flower? The Easter Bunny left it for me? Thank you, Grampa! | .jpg) |
I knew The Easter Bunny wouldn't forget me! | .jpg) |
And I got my ball back! Roll it back to me, Grampa! | .jpg) |
Hey...Sydney! I have an extra pair of wings! Here...put them on! | .jpg) |
Can you take a picture of us? Say cheese! | .jpg) |
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